Friday, September 2, 2011

Cat's Through my Mom a 65th Birthday Party!!!!

My Mom is turning 65 this Saturday!

It being such a special birthday the cats (and some dogs) in my Moms life want to throw her a birthday party. It will be on Saturday at her house, this is what you can expect!

The party is set to start at 7:00pm please be sure you drop off all kitten's to the kittensitter before arriving, this is an adult only cat party. (we know a good kittensitter if you need one)

Please dress up for the party, if not we will decorate you accordingly.

Cake will be eaten and enjoyed!

This will be followed by gift opening (yes you must bring a gift, well... at least a box wrapped in paper and string to the party!) 

This will be followed by a short cat nap session.

After nap time has ended the real party will begin!

Yes we will have entertainment. Marty the famous cat pianist will be on hand to play the hits of the 50's 60's and 70's. He takes requests!!

Dogs will only be allowed in after 11pm. 

 Why you ask??

Dogs can be a bad influence on us cats, and then all kinds of trouble can start. 

For example, cat on dog fights.

Or really embarrassing dog on cat fights... I think this cat lost. 

Sometimes unnatural relationships can start!  

The party will go on late into the night. We do have some activities planned.

Maybe you fancy a game of Cat Scrabble? 

Or for the Tom cats, a strategic game of Cat Risk!

There will also be Cat Poker, watch out for this guy hes a bluffer. 

For the more adventurous we will be offering Cat Wresting in the backyard. 

But stay away from the neighborhood bookie, I hear he is a thief. 

With all this fun you may get a little worn out and need another nap. 

Feel free to stay over, we have lots of mattress space! Or just sleep wherever you like! 

Wishing my Mom a Happy 65th Birthday! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you! I love you and miss you so much!!

PS. Don't tell the cats but maybe you should cancel the party?? 

1 comment:

  1. Cute. You are so creative Mary. I hope your mom had a wonderful b-day.
