Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Its the people you miss...

So Far Away

Recently I came to realize I have been stricken with a condition I am naming "So Far Away Syndrome".

I have been so lucky to live in many places over the years of my life. I have lived in 3 citys I can confidently call home. Indianapolis, Indiana; Boise, Idaho; and Sydney, Australia. Its great living in new places. It makes your life exciting and interesting. But for all the good that comes out of living in new and different places, there is a hidden darker side. In all of these citys I have made life long good friends. I have a few of these people pictured, but not nearly all of them. I love all of these people for their unique personalities, and for their friendship! I have meet these people in all of the places I have lived but then like a the changing tide I move away... again.. and I have to leave those people behind and hope I can keep in touch, and visit often. This has gotten harder the more I move around. I now miss people in 3 citys all over the world. And it seems I keep moving further away from those people.... I guess I will eventually make it around the world and then I should get closer to some of these citys and people I love.

The worst part of "So Far Away Syndrome"is that I miss people in too many places and I know I will never be able to have all those friends in my life at one time. I can't have my friends in Boise and Sydney and Indy all in one place. No matter where I go I will still miss someone. The guilt of missing big events in my friends lives is really overwhelming sometimes. This year I have missed weddings and births of new babies. I want to go to all of these events so badly. To cope I have been drinking an extra glass of wine and having quite tears on the train. I find this helps release the guilty feelings.

So if your reading this and you find you have been drinking more then normal, and have been having those extra teary moments on public transport. You may be in danger of "So Far Away Syndrome". Please if you find you are suffering from this let me know and maybe we can work on building a contraption (something like a time machine but without the time travel) so we can travel to all the people and places we love in a snap of a finger. "Beam me up Scotty".

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mary, I miss you so much! You are seriously the best long distance friend anyone could ever ask for. Even though your so far away, you keep in touch so well with those you love. We all miss you over here in Boise, Idaho. Please know we all love , miss, and think of you often over here where you once lived. Even though you have missed some big events in our lives, we know you love and care for us deeply. We completely understand. Thank goodness for technology. It would be a lot harder to keep in touch these days if we didn't have the joy of using facebook, blogger, and email, etc. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend! I hear you might see Ann at the airport in Australia - how exciting. I hope it works out and you are able to spend a lot of time chit chatting! I want to send something with Ann to give you. I miss you tons Mary! Your the best. Thanks again for being a wonderful friend to so many people around the world!!! Love ya!!!
