Friday, November 9, 2012

Big Stretch Tour

This is long over due... But since being home from the Big Stretch Tour in September things have been busy at work and at home.

Before I start telling you about Big Stretch. Let me give you a quick update overall.

Graham is busy studying for his BIG exams. THE BIG ONES. Also know as the Oskys (don't think I spelt that right or even close). Or in American the eqivilant would be your medical board exams.. THE BIG TEST you take to become a doctor. Graham's big test will be November 23rd. So he is a study maniac at the moment. Before these exam starts he has all the other University exams as well.. Poor guy.. but once these are behind him he only has one year left... and then its Dr. Weaire-Buchana time!

I have been super crazy at Buzz with planning and sending out our program for 2013. This is always a busy time of year. I have also just started to direct a show for the Old Mill Theatre in South Perth. Its called Secret Bridesmaids Business and opens February 1-17 2013. I have a great cast of 6 actors to work with. And some great friends helping me along. I am excited, and so thankful to the wonderful actresses and actor who have come on board for the love of theatre.

Kit cat is well... he has been enjoying the arrival of spring. He spends his mornings laying in the sun and watching other cats pass by his window. He then sleeps from 9:15-5:00 then spends the evening being lavishly spoiled and cuddled by me and Graham... He has a great cat life. I sure from time to time he wishes he was an "outdoor" cat... But when the wind picks up and the raindrops fall... he seems content to be fast asleep on our bed. Plus... our street is not cat friendly.. I don't want Kittles to Skittled.

BIG STRETCH - Kimberley Tour

A few photos from the tour..

 Crossing the Fitzroy River just outside of Fitzroy Crossing WA. On our way to school!

 Anyone feel like a bushfire? Well there was plenty fires out bush, we drove past many. 
It was beautiful country side, bushfires and all!

 At the Garnduwa Office in Fitzroy Crossing, love those Buzz Dancers showing off for the camera!! 

 Its my ride... well you wouldn't want it to be. The Royal Flying Doctor Service plane. Its how you get to hospital out Bush. We saw them take off!

 Beautiful wildflowers of Western Australia

Camp dogs in one of the communities we visited.  I have a soft spot for camp dogs...

 Sleeping arrangements at school for the night. In the school Library! 

 Beautiful birds nests on the roof of Ngalapita school. 

 Another community and school we visited.
This was the entire school population.. 

 The wonderful Undercover area at Ngalapta. The kids love to play in this area.

 Another school we visited. 

 Dance Games!

 More Dance Games!

 Is it our turn yet?? 

 Camp dogs keeping cool.. it was HOT!

 Mr. Welsby buying art in Fitzroy Crossing. A great place where you get to meet the artists!

 School Dog!

 Lets go swimming!!!

 Fitzroy River Lodge 

 Yumm.. Nothing like a can of soup for breakfast!! While on a tour boat! 

 Beautiful Fitzroy River

 Dog at a football game!

 More dogs of the Kimberley!

 Cooling off with a swim!

 Who wants to come over to my Donga! At Fitzroy Crossing Lodge

 BIG Boab tree

 More boab trees on a dirt track.

 Cable Beach Broome.. Next few photos

 Photo shoot!! 

The Kimberley is home to some Big Crocs...

Well that was my journey in a nut shell... It was wonderful... and no Blog post could begin to tell you about it. So if you want to hear more. Call me, write me, or lets get together for a catch up and I will tell you all about it. 

1 comment:

  1. You live a fascinating life Mary - full of discovery. You Rock.
