Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Winter Update

Its winter....

Everyone in North America is enjoying summer... and here I am in winter.

Today it was 17/62 and last night it got down to 3/37. Now I know 62 is a good winter temp.. nothing like back home in Indiana during the winter.. But I guess I am starting to feel like people from Florida who come up north and think 62 is cold while everyone else has shorts and t-shirts on.. But 37 is chilly.. everyone will agree with that.. good thing it only lasts a few hours. But long enough to remind me that Australia is currently a long way away from the sun this time of year. Oh gosh.. all those summer photos my friends are posting online sure are making me wish it was summer here... Hope your all enjoying it!!!!  I am officially jealous..

Last week was the 4th of July. Just another day to Australians but many of the Americans I know in Perth celebrate one way or another. This year we got together with our American friends Holly and Sam, they live just a few blocks away from us. We had a nice BBQ and I brought along my BIG American flag to hang up. I also brought my house slippers to Holly and Sam's and was in jeans and a sweatshirt.. not your usual 4th of July attire, but I was cold..remember its winter here. They boys had to BBQ in the cold as well.. but we all kept warm drinking a few beers, eating some good American fare. Hamburgers and Buffalo Chicken Drum Sticks. I also made some Brownies my Mom lovingly sent us in a care package. We ended the evening playing a round of a game called Farkle, Holly and Sam taught it to us, and Graham and I can't get enough! Nothing like a cold evening with two good friends to celebrate a truly American holiday.

Its been a busy winter thus far. Work has been keeping me super duper busy. We have had a show on called Fragile. Today was its last run. Loved the show, but boy am I glad its done now. It started in Perth on June 15th, then traveled down south to Margaret River Western Australia (4.5 hours from my house), then Fragile went to Manduarah (just an hour south of my house) and this week its been in Midland (1/2 hour from my house). The dancers as always were impressive to watch everyday. So lucky I get to work with and watch such talented young dancers. They are inspiring!

Graham is currently on his GP (General Practice) rotation, and studying for his big exams at the end of the year. He takes the Australian equivalent of the medical boards exam in November. Then he will only have one more year of rotations to complete! Exciting!!! But studying medicine is a commitment to life long learning.. as I am coming to understand.. Graham sure is going to be a great doctor one day. He is just such a smart cookie, and I know I am bragging now.. but he has a great bedside manner too. I am just so proud of him. Its also good to have someone at home to tell me if I am sick or not. Because if you know me well, you know I will somehow find every cold, flu, cut, scrap, bug bite, tripping injury, stubbed toe, knife dropping accident, fence related puncture wound possibly available in my local area. So having Graham around is extremely helpful. I love that husband of mine!

Well... we have a couple more months of winter still to come in Perth. Not a lot of plans at this point. But the sun is staying out a little later each evening. Soon I will be able to fit my evening run into my work schedule again. Can't wait! All this winter food is making me gain weight!!

Winter wishes to your and yours... all the way from Perth!!

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