Friday, September 6, 2013

Goings On

Hey There,

Its been awhile since I posted. Its been a trying couple of months for me and Graham so we have been hovering under the radar. We entered into the world of IVF last month with no success... But we will try again. Unfortunately I would not recommend the process, its not fun, makes you feel terrible and out of control, and then when you think its bad it gets worse cause it hurts. Not just physically but emotionally as well. I hope the next year brings us some success, cause I plan on sticking with it for a little while. Lets see what the future brings.

I thought I would post a couple of picture and make this post a photo blog!

 My Aussie Mum Karen came for a visit over the 4th of July, we had a great time with her and I was so happy she could make a trip out to see us. As you can see she fit right in down at the Bowls Club.

 Celebrating 4th of July with my Mum!

 Mother and Son in Fremantle WA

 Graham always says he doesn't like Macs, but here he is looking at my work computer in the living room.

 We had a wonderful evening with our friends Sue and Peter on their property in the hills outside Perth. They treated us to a yummy dinner and log fire, in the morning we took a tour of their beautiful property. We are blessed to have such good friends.

 Graham asleep on my lap, almost as bad as the cat.

 In July we celebrated 8 years of marriage! Im so glad I found Graham all the way on the other side of the world. He is my best friend and a wonderful partner and husband. I wish every girl could have such a loving and supportive man in their lives... But I am never giving up my man. He's the best! Love you tons Grazy!

 Me and my cat child Kit. He has been enjoying time outside in the garden this winter, and chaperoned visits to the side garden. He loves to nap in the big ferns, I can hardly see him and he thinks its a wonderful hiding place. This is us having a cuddle in bed. Love my kitty!!

 This is a duck at Edith Cowan University in Joondalup where I gave my first University lecture this month on linking dance to thematic ideas in the primary (elementary) classroom. It went really well and I was tickled pink to have been asked!

 Classic winter scene at our house. Kit and I enjoying the heater. 

 Swan River sunsets in Como near my home. I walk/run along the river frequently and love to see the big pelicans and black swans down there. In the photo you can see a pelican flying. This is the Como Jetty.

 Kit and I up to our same old tricks. He loves a good head rub, and will do anything for a neck scratch. You know he is enjoying it when the slobbering begins. 

I saved this American Flag about 6 years ago when I first came to Australia. It was used in a show I was stage managing, and the production team was going to through it away. So I did the right thing and bought it for $15.00, cause thats the American way. I take it out for special holidays, but this week I hung the old flag up on our clothes line to get some fresh air. I miss America and my family and friends very much. Although I live in Australia and I am grateful for my life here, underneath I am still red, white and blue. 

So thats whats been going on. 
Hope you and yours are well!


  1. Mary, I'm sorry the procedure was unsuccessful. :( You are in my thoughts and prayers always!
