Thursday, December 6, 2012

Knowing me, Knowing you

So Graham has been away this week. He has been in and in the surrounds of Ipoh Malaysia. He comes home in a couple of days... We have not been able to talk on the phone and have had limited email conversations.

Its funny, we don't spend a lot of time apart.. But when we do I really feel it.. Since he has left this week I have had some serious separation anxiety... This either means.. I love him a lot which I do, or I am ridiculously co-dependent on him.. I doubt the co-dependency thing is the problem.. The truth is I just love him and I hate it when I don't have him around.

This week while Graham has been away I have suffered from what I will term: Missing My Husband Syndrome. Some of the symptoms include:

1. Can't sleep at night soundly, all mysterious sounds wake you up.
2. Feel like something is missing or you have forgotten something.
3. Cooked way to much dinner for yourself, because you are use to cooking for a man.
4. Body is falling apart. You have come down with some kind of illness that requires a trip to the doctor.
5. Your pet feels ignored simply due to the lack of people around to talk to it. Your pet also seems more needy and annoying.
6. Your potted plants/garden have suffered a set back, they are also falling apart and need a trip to the doctor.
7. Household appliances are not working as they should be.
8. All of a suden you notice how noisy your neighbours are. You hope they move out soon.
9. Sudden desire to sob while at your desk at work.
10. Start thinking that you should buy him flowers for when you meet him at the airport... But decide maybe candy is more "manly" Then consider making a big old fashioned welcome back sign to hold up at the airport instead.

I am afraid I have all the symptoms listed above..
Can't wait to see Graham in a few days!!

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