Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weekend Dishes

I am not sure how it has happened but it seems Graham and I have used nearly every dish we have in the house in the space of 24 hours. No we did not have guests or even cook anything fancy! I am just surprised. I did see Graham eating scrambled eggs from a LARGE kitchen mixing bowl yesterday, so that should have been an indication that there was a bigger problem going on. But boys are boys and somethings I rather just watch in horror then get to the bottom of it.
I have a long afternoon of dish washing before me and I am not looking forward to it in the summer heat.
I am nearly 30 and there are somethings I thought I would have by now. One of them being a dish washer. Being a girl who grew up pretty spoiled I never had to do a lot of dishes. Always had a dish washer and most other luxury items such as cloths driers, and air conditioners. Everywhere I look I see my peers using luxury items. Not even realising they are using an item of such domestic bliss. This being said I am creating a short list of items I would like to have before I turn 30.
  • A good oven, my entire married life I have not had an oven that works the way it was meant to. In Indiana we had the oven that only half worked (bottom element only), then in Sydney we had no oven for 3 years. Now in Perth I have what could be the worlds smallest oven, and only has one setting. HOT HOT HOT burn to a crisp hot. To cook cup cakes or any pastry I must pre heat the oven and then take the cake out every time I see the elements turn back on or the cake will be burnt. This means sitting next to the oven for about an hour and half taking the cake in and out, in and out.
  • A Car, I have been car less for nearly 5 years. I do not feel a car is an essential item, but I do like to have freedom to travel outside of the limits of public transport or my legs can take me. I also just like to drive. But that's the problem isn't it. We all like to drive, and too many of us drive everywhere. At home in the USA this is a big problem. Growing citys would benefit from investing in public transport people like to take. All the same I would love to have a car for the weekends, and for going to buy heavy things from the store. Of the items I would never like to take on a bus again include: An ironing board, a microwave, 30 lbs of flour, and a weeks worth of food supplies. Wouldn't it be great to have a car to move such items around town. That would be great!
  • A dishwasher, My Aunt Gretchen once shared with me the diary of my Grandmother from 1961. In it she wrote of her joy when she was given her first dishwasher. You know the old kind that had two hoses. One for the tap and one for the sink drain. You just hooked it up when you wanted to use it. Although it was an early model and did little more then just spray the dishes with dirty water she was over joyed at this new technology. I believe I will feel the same when a dishwasher finally graces my kitchen.
  • A Cloths Dryer, I love soft towels. There is only one way to get soft towels. By using a dryer. If you hang dry your towels they will feel crisp like paper and free you from your weekly luffa treatment in the first dry off. They are ruff and crispy. Need I say more. YES I DO. I do not mind hanging most of cloths to dry outside. But in the winter it becomes a problem. I now live in a place where it rains all winter long. Its hard to hang things to dry in the rain. That means hanging cloths all over our little apartment, and it takes nearly 2 days to dry a pair of jeans, one day for most other items. God forbid you wanted to wash your sheets. We do have a ceiling fan now though and we could hang them off that I guess. But still, a Cloths Dryer sure would make life better.

For now I will keep the list short. But one has to be grateful for what they have, and I can not tell you how grateful I am for the things I do have. It took us a long time to get both a couch and a TV in Australia and now we do, those things are great!! I am just saying I miss "the good life". Those little things that make it a little nicer, a little faster, and a little cleaner. So I have 1.5 years to get these items under our roof. Lets see how I go. But until then I am sure I have it lots better then some!

1 comment:

  1. Mary - I think you deserve all those things now, but also understand that sometimes you just have to wait. The process of waiting if not fun, but to give it a deadline helps immensely. I sure hope you have all those things plus more when you turn 30. It was so good to hear your voice last night, sorry I was out grocery shopping. I really wish I could have talked to you you longer. I look forward to your call Monday night! You are sure missed by many in the states. Love and miss you tons. Hope you start feeling better each passing day! Love ya girl!
